5 SEO routines that will boost your blog to the top positions

SEO is routine, no matter how much you want to see it differently, they are a set of practices that you have to follow...


Where to sell a blog and how to calculate its price

Selling a blog is a difficult task because there are not many places to sell it, and some have already stopped updating and there...

Promote your blog: is there life beyond social networks?

You have finally launched your blog and now what? it's time to promote it, you've shared it among your friends and you see that with...

Blogs that last more than a year are the resistance

95% of blogs are abandoned by their creators in the first year and that's a scary figure to belong to I am being generous with...

How to

How to put a chat on your blog for free and in a simple way

There is something that is rising like foam in this year chats on any website, putting a chat has become...

How to put a gadget from your Facebook page on your blog

The box with your Facebook page to follow is essential for your blog, this widget encourages people who visit your...

How to write about me on your blog

The section about me should be mandatory in all blogs, thanks to it we make ourselves known and we can...


How to get the best guest author for a guest post

The secret of guest blogging is to find an ideal guest author who can bring something new to your blog, let's see what is...

With Mailrelay you can continue with your email marketing without problems

We are already in January, the last month that the AEPD gave for us to regularize the situation of our databases After the cancellation of the...

Don’t forget to have an email marketing strategy

If there is something that we must take care of is the list of subscribers, for this reason you have to develop a good email...

Guest posting what guest posts consist of in depth

Guest posting or guest blogging is establishing itself as a trend that is going strong, it is becoming more common to find a section...

Tips & Tricks

Plugins to embed YouTube videos in WordPress

If you have a YouTube channel and you want to connect it with your blog, this post will help you...

Schedule content for your blog for a full year

Today I will show you how to plan current and interesting content for your readers so that you can have...

What Google considers low-quality and unrelevant content

The low quality of the posts is something that worries us, we cannot avoid it every time we hit the...


Tag clouds and their drawbacks for your blog

Tag clouds or tag clouds are elements that abound in blogs, when you read this post, you will totally change the vision you had...

6 things that can demotivate you just starting with your blog

Well, if there are things that can demotivate, they are the ones we expect to happen when we write a blog or start something...

Why you need to learn WordPress right now

WordPress is increasingly popular, it is estimated that 27% of the web pages on the planet are made with this technology, learning WordPress has...

Optimize images to make your blog go like lightning

An enemy of the speed of your blog are images, a website that does not optimize images is losing positioning and visitors. In addition to...

The 12 reasons why your blog is not successful

Who said that it is easy to write a blog? Success depends on many different factors and luckily many of them are in our...

How to improve your entries and have more visits

We are going to improve the quality of your posts so that your readers stay glued to your blog. For this we are going to...

What are cookies and how to put them in each blog

What are cookies? Cookies are a way for websites to store user information, along with sessions, which is the way to establish the start and...

The importance of graphic design in any project

As a professional, you must invest a lot of effort in creating a good image. Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of...

How to make sitemap for blogs for WordPress and blogger

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a file written in xml format so that search engine robots find information in a way that is...

Having a blog is a fad. WTF?

Having a blog is fashionable, you'll get over it, these fashions last four days, yes, every time I hear it, I get sick, but...