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6 things that can demotivate you just starting with your blog

Well, if there are things that can demotivate, they are the ones we expect to happen when we write a blog or start something...

Optimize images to make your blog go like lightning

An enemy of the speed of your blog are images, a website that does not optimize images is losing positioning and visitors. In addition to...

The 12 reasons why your blog is not successful

Who said that it is easy to write a blog? Success depends on many different factors and luckily many of them are in our...

What are cookies and how to put them in each blog

What are cookies? Cookies are a way for websites to store user information, along with sessions, which is the way to establish the start and...

Having a blog is a fad. WTF?

Having a blog is fashionable, you'll get over it, these fashions last four days, yes, every time I hear it, I get sick, but...

How to put a blogger popup to get subscribers

I have seen that those of you who have bloggers want to install a gadget to get subscriptions or want to promote your lead...

The data protection agency and your blog.

It is a mistake to think that a blog or a website is exempt from legal or bureaucratic obligations, for example data protection, for...

How to put a chat on your blog for free and in a simple...

There is something that is rising like foam in this year chats on any website, putting a chat has become almost essential because it...

With Mailrelay you can continue with your email marketing without problems

We are already in January, the last month that the AEPD gave for us to regularize the situation of our databases After the cancellation of the...