Get more visits for your new blog in 10 steps

If you have recently started with your blog or have been for a while but you need to attract readers to your blog, I propose 10 useful points to achieve it.

I always remember how desperate it is when I start a website or a blog, the days go by and the visits are very few, this makes me quite angry and I can’t help but think “what am I doing wrong!” in my case it was “what I wasn’t doing.”

Get more visits for your new blog in 10 steps

1 Search for keywords (do keyword research)

One problem that we find is that we write about topics that have very high competition, so if we do keyword research, even with free tools like Keyword planner, we can find words with less competition to position. A pillar of SEO is Keyword Research, if not you do it, your blog will drift , I’m not telling you that it’s bad, but having posts based on monthly searches that may have certain keywords can give you an important mattress of visits every month. To find them you can use different tools such as SEMrush (paid or Keyword planner. One piece of advice is that you should not try to go for the generic ones because they have more competition, try to choose secondary keywords that are less competitive and that attract traffic.

2 Know your audience

Knowing who you write for is very important, get to know your future reader and they will feel identified , the more you know the better because you will be able to direct your posts towards their interests. Imagine that almost all the readers of your blog are women and mothers of young children, perhaps if from time to time you can make an entry in which you have something that they can identify with and feel closer to your blog. Write articles very focused on certain types of readers, it is easier to reach a very specific audience at the beginning than a larger and more open one.

3 A little RRSS

If you want to get more traffic and notoriety in your blog, being on the networks is indisputable, but if you are just starting out or you are going to have terrible visits, I recommend that you do not become crazy and focus on two RRSS to start with, the rest if you put a post a month fine but the effort do it in 2. I recommend 2 networks to start because they steal a lot of time.

4 Sign up for directories and listings

One way to get links is to register in directories with good quality, if they are directories in your sector, much better. It is something that you should not abuse but it is convenient that you get incoming links, later you will begin to have links from more natural pages. At first you may need to ask for links to other blogs or work on guest posting to get them.

5 He spies and gossips a lot

You need to have one eye on your blog and another on the competition, seeing what others are doing is very good, from there you can get ideas and discard others that do not work well. Apart from informing you, you can see what type of public follows that blog and how they behave, this will give you many clues if you want to create a community around your blog. If you are going to have a blog, I recommend that for each post you write you have read at least 20 , this will give you enormous ease and help you express yourself better. Apart from this, it will teach you new approaches, different ways of doing things and you can apply them in your blog.

6 Comment on other blogs and let yourself be seen

Take advantage and comment on blogs on your topic, get to know yourself a little, enjoy giving your opinion, be cordial and avoid overwhelming. Of course do not leave links or the name of your blog unless they ask you, a good trick is to put it in the name with which you comment.

7 Improve the blog design

When I talk about design, I mean usability, template and removing elements that annoy the reader. A large part of blogs suffer from problems because they have templates that are obsolete or because they have widgets that are useless. Being honest, if what you need is to attract an audience, try to opt for the minimum, a simple and minimalist template is what will work best for you, then little by little you can improve. If you have visited other blogs you will see the trends and get inspired to have a blog more in line with your goals.

8 Improve loading speed

This factor is important for Google, many times it is to blame that Google does not show you on the first page, if your blog is slow to load, hardly anyone will wait for it to load. Improving the loading speed will help your blog grow, I recommend you visit the posts of WPO that I have on the blog.

9 Do cleaning

Eliminate elements that delay loading or may be invasive, in the case of pop-ups, if you do not know how to handle them masterfully and carefully, they are a flight of visitors.
If the bounce rate of your blog is very high, try removing design elements such as POP UP, hit counters, ads. If something is not bearing fruit because there are no visits, I don’t understand why you have it, for example ads of AdSense, affiliate products, popups for subscribers. Wait for that need to be generated by the number of visits and then you can put them.

10 Start mapping out an SEO strategy

I have left for last the most important thing to attract visitors, sometimes we do not have a defined strategy, this makes us not work the blog in the direction we should, so asking yourself what your strategy is is very important. Once you have it defined and the objectives clear, do not let anything get ahead. Working on the SEO of your blog is very important as well as generating fresh and quality content, but if you take care of both your results will be multiplied by 10.

BloggingHit Staff
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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