How to know your reader and capture their attention

Knowing your reader will help you improve your blog and create more appreciated content, if for example you write for a specific audience you should focus on what they need and how they think.

Surely you have an ideal reader in mind, that is the reader that every blogger wants is a reader who is really interested in what he is reading on his blog, that reader who feels genuine concern about what you are writing and who values ​​the information he receives by middle of your blog. Surely you aspire to this type of readers for your blog, for this you must do everything possible so that your blog does not go unnoticed by them. Do not worry, by believing that focusing on some readers in particular makes you lose “hook” with other readers, it is about attracting quality readers, the rest will always enter your blog through one channel or another.

How to know your reader and capture their attention

The guidelines to know your reader can be several depending on the type of blog you have, but I think some of the most important are the ones I am talking about today, among which there are some that are essential.

 What are your ideal readers like?

Draw in your mind who your ideal reader is, the person you want to read your blog, think that you write for him and analyze what he wants and needs, this is the basis of the following points.

1 Analyze your audience

Try to analyze what type of person is attracted to your content, in short, think about who you write for, if it is in general a man, a woman, studies, works, if it belongs to a certain sector. Try to adapt to their schedules and the type of publications that they like the most.

2 Analyze your competition, observe your peers

 Look at what similar blogs do and how they interact with their audience, see what you think they lack and what you can stand out from them. Try to establish a relaxed atmosphere and collaboration with the other bloggers in your sector because there is room for everyone and the readers are more or less the same or similar.

3 What do they hope to find on your blog?

If you attract an audience, for example, that is interested in natural cosmetics, you should focus on your content being consistent with the theme.

  • It makes no sense, for example, to review a moisturizer from a commercial brand that was not going to interest you at all and can even create a negative climate.

Try to adapt your content to the expectations of the reader, this is very important so that the reader repeats and considers that your content is of quality, if they come to your blog with expectations that are not resolved, they will look elsewhere, if this type of “misunderstandings » occur more times will go to your blog because the content has previously disappointed him.

4 What can your blog offer them?

You must be clear about what you offer your reader, you can offer more than one type of content but you must be clear that you cannot mislead your reader. Think about what you can do for him and what he can get from your blog.

You entertain


You disclose

You sell

Ideally, when the visitor leaves your blog, they leave with a feeling of satisfaction or “hands full” this is achieved thanks to being very clear about the objective of your blog.

5 Where can you find them?

This is important. Think about where you can attract your new readers and where they share their concerns. It doesn’t make sense to look for them in forums where they won’t be or to think that they are going to find your blog alone, beware that if you have worked the SEO correctly you will begin to have good organic results , but at first you will have to go out and look for them where they are Try to share content in specialized communities so that its dissemination is more effective, distinguish what is the difference between promotion between colleagues and what is what you do in order to attract quality readers.

6 What worries your reader?

This deserves an in-depth analysis, because normally the topics are very broad and we need to focus on something to hook that is really the concerns of our reader.
Imagine that you write about fashion and what keeps your readers awake at night are the offers. Would you include a section of offers? Of course, just like if I see that what worries the most are the small blogger bugs and I dedicate an article to them whenever I can, because I am aware that this worries my reader a lot.

7 What do you want your reader to do?

If what you want them to do on your blog, interact, share you must adapt the content to what you want your audience to do on the blog, if you want them to watch a video, download a guide you have to prove how it is how your readers like to receive the information.

8 Why are they reading your blog?

And they are not in another think about what brings your readers and do to improve it, it is very important to take into account what readers appreciate in order to improve it, and move forward in that line.

9 What does your ideal reader hate?

This is the most important thing, knowing what your reader would not want to see on your blog, imagine that your blog is vegan-themed and you decide to place a confectionery section in which some ingredients are not suitable, how do you think they would take it?? Would they get angry? As you can see, it is important to know how your reader is and especially the negative aspect.

10 What stimuli does your reader respond to?

It is very important that you are able to know what kind of post your readers react to , but also what kind of actions stimulate them, this is very important because recently I talked about social actions such as paying with a tweet , social blockers etc. they are double-edged swords because many times the reader does not react, not everyone “is so interactive”, it can also happen with elements such as the “welcome mat” that may not be as efficient as they are annoying for some.
If you do not collect fruits from some elements, you must eliminate them or configure them in another way. And now comes the most important thing, to know your reader you must observe him.

BloggingHit Staff
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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