The 10 capital failures of a blog when starting

At the beginning many mistakes are made when launching a blog that can delay the success of your project

In this post we are going to see if we still have any that we can correct before it is too late.
Nobody is born knowing and it is normal to screw up when you start writing a blog, in this post we will talk about the 10 most recurrent mistakes that are made at the beginning, also very easy and some are even widely accepted.

The 10 capital failures of a blog when starting

Choosing the wrong domain is a very common mistake

The decision that has the most weight and the one that brings the most consequences is choosing the wrong name of the blog. It is easy to fall into calling it with a title that we like, something that at that moment seems original to you but by the title they will find you in google. If you have not placed a keyword in it, you have missed a great opportunity.

Too many categories and tags:

Not being clear about the categories and labels is an error, just like naming the categories in any way, you should try to match the name with a keyword. Regarding the number of tags there is no standard but you must choose the most appropriate and those that help your blog to be better indexed and that are not repeated. The categories are the main topics of your blog, the better and more specific they are, the easier it will be for the visitor browse the blog.

Dispersed topic or dealing with many topics without nexus

If your blog talks about many different topics, it may have problems in the future for not being able to fit into a category. This seriously harms monetization, advertisers increasingly seek to advertise in increasingly specialized blogs, to ensure the sale of their products. Although there are blogs that work like this, eclecticism and SEO are not as good friends as it seems. If your idea is monetization or making money with your blog, you should think about looking for a traffic niche in which to establish yourself.

Periods of absence and creative blocks.

It is difficult to write daily but if you are going to stop writing for a season, for example vacations, program a post, take the opportunity to include collaborations but do not leave more than a month without publishing. We all suffer blockages and the best thing is to make the most of moments of creativity to have accumulated material as I explain in the next post about blockages.

Not taking into account the SEO of your blog when creating it.

I have heard stories of people who write in a blog and overnight they earn a lot of money, they have thousands of visits and they do not do SEO … unfortunately I do not know any eye 10 years ago it was very normal there were very few blogs and some very bad, so it was easy to stand out. Unintentionally you can be doing SEO, although there are SEO steps that you cannot skip because to be in good standing with Google you must inform yourself of what you should not do, it is almost more important to know what is prohibited than what is allowed.

Don’t reply to comments.

It is preferable to deactivate blog comments than to take time to answer or not even that; If you choose to leave comments on, you must respond in the best possible way.
If you leave comments, watch out because your blog can be full of links within the comments and this is a practice highly penalized by Google and by hosting.

Write for yourself (feeding my ego)

This concept is rare but sometimes you write and say that it sounds good! How professional! But if your reader does not understand or does not convey what you say, you will have little success. You must be clear about your audience and write for them directly, even consult things, notify them of the changes you are going to make…

Don’t visit you often

Hahaha there are people who directly publish without going around their blog from time to time, see if it loads well, the appearance of the images, see if there is something out of place due to an update, see if you are able to visit more than 5 pages without using the categories, search for posts to tweak… Because if you are one of those people who look at the blog from your mobile, you may be disappointed that it is not optimized.

Resist changing the design of your blog

There are times when the design goes out of style, there are layouts that withstand the passage of time much better, but changing the design is usually a great strategy to revive your blog. This is one of the most repeated failures of a blog to cling to an aesthetic.

Want to please everyone

Even if you listen to the opinions of all users, friends, etc. you must be clear about your strategy and the objective of your blog, do not let trends influence you too much either, analyze whether you should do something or not, for example, sometimes I think a lot about whether I must add one more category or not, or the re-design of the template, but above all that your blog is a part of you.

BloggingHit Staff
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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