Commenting on other blogs is part of the synergy that must exist between bloggers, it is important to read a lot to assimilate the news from different points of view and also to learn from others.
Leaving a comment is very important, not only to record “I was here” but to make your blog evolve, no matter how much we understand a topic, talking about it will always bring us new points of view. Whenever I can (and my phone doesn’t boycott me) I take advantage of any occasion to make comments on other blogs, but I do try to leave quality comments, the kind that shows that you have read the article and that it has generated a good or bad opinion. Or has it aroused some kind of curiosity in you? Today I am going to reveal 6 compelling reasons why I comment on the blogs I visit or like.
1 You help the blog author with your comment
Leaving a comment providing another vision, telling your experience or participating is a way to create debate and help you improve your blog or find more information about what you have written, it also serves to collect feedback on what is the most interesting content. Many times, the comments help to change things to help the reader, sometimes when someone leaves a comment or a review, they are leaving information about what they need, in the case of tutorials it can be of vital importance. Add author bio box in blogger I don’t know if you have ever visited programming blogs, usually there are better solutions in the comments made by the readers than in the tutorial itself.
2 You create community and meet people who are in the same boat as you
Creating a community is important because the internet is big but not as big as we imagine it to be. At the end of the day, those interested in the same theme focused in a certain way are a smaller niche. That is why it is more or less easy to meet similar blogs, if you maintain a good synergy you can get to get a good community in which if you know how to differentiate yourself, you will surely find yourself very comfortable.
3 You make your blog name sound
When you leave a comment, you can sometimes put what your blog is in the comment logs, this is very interesting: it helps your blog get buzz among potential readers and active readers. It is very important, thanks to the comment threads you can arouse the curiosity of other readers by your opinion, it also helps you meet people interested in the subject you write about, it is a way not to steal readers, but to make you discover. You should not miss the opportunity to improve your blog’s branding and internet reputation.
4 It can open doors to collaborations and synergies
If your opinion is valuable, other bloggers may notice you for guest posts or collaborations, this can be a great opportunity to get out of your blog and make yourself known to a wider audience. It is also the possibility of working as a team with other bloggers and creating groups or joint projects.
Sometimes giving your opinion can help you to be valued more professionally, I don’t say like: “I’m working on it, my website is…” We all know that whoever wants to find you on the internet finds you and there is no need to be so unsubtle.
5 You make a partner happy!
This seems silly but it is not, brightening someone’s day when they see an interesting comment or giving thanks is very important because if you generate positive synergies, it is very sure that you will attract them to your blog. This makes your partner think of you in a positive way, if you are not going to Spam or give yourself a boost, you will be very welcome.
You make me happy by voting for me in the blog awards XD
6 commenting on other blogs is very good for SEO
If you know how to do it well without grating on spam, you can find blogs with good DA that can help you in your link building, it is important that apart from leaving a quality and extensive comment that, in order to help the link building, is relevant to the theme of your blog.
With this I do not mean that you think only in your category, but that you can see the topic of commenting with other more greedy eyes. I hope these 6 reasons why I usually leave some comments on the blogs I like inspire you to do the same.