6 things that can demotivate you just starting with your blog

Well, if there are things that can demotivate, they are the ones we expect to happen when we write a blog or start something and they don’t happen or they happen in a different way than we expected, but it’s not bad if you know how to take advantage of it.

There are things that you should not expect from your blog at the first change, they happen thanks to a series of factors among which is quality content, SEO, design
I don’t want to be a balloon popping which, but sometimes we hope that our project is understood in a certain way and that it is appreciated as much as we do. This is what I want to get at: unfortunately, it is not always like that. On a blog you should not place unrealistic expectations, in this I emphasize that nothing happens overnight and it is a slow and safe job. A positive person always thinks that everything is going to be fabulous, but don’t really expect big parties, luckily everything is constant work and little by little things are stabilizing, a blog is not a mushroom that comes out from one day to the next but it takes a while to mature, you can also make niche blogs or blogs on a very fashionable theme but I think that the readers who visit me are people who write because they like to write and love their subject matter. Before throwing in the towel, think that you should motivate yourself in what you do and improve little by little.

6 things that can demotivate you just starting with your blog

1 No one is a prophet in his land

Depending on what topic you deal with, your environment will think it’s Chinese, others will pass by or say how cool it is but don’t expect to have hordes of followers on the first day unless you’re Pituitrin. I already dedicated a chapter to people who take away your desire to write (and more things), but unless it is someone with a great influence in your life it is difficult for him to get away with it in the end, avoid those people who can demotivate you in the beginning phases. Regarding lay people in blogging or in the matter you deal with, if they are close, family, friends, etc. try to show them the very advanced project, simply because that way you can put them in the bag more easily. It is very difficult for your environment to be as up-to-date as you are, perhaps little by little you will attract those around you but always think that you do not know your reader but you have something in common that they like the same as you, so take advantage. Don’t be discouraged because they don’t understand what you do or don’t like it everyone has their hobbies.

2 And why do you write a blog? do you do it for free? what do you do for a living?

The problem comes when you have a project or a plan for your blog and nobody understands it, it happens to me there are people who don’t understand why I don’t make templates, I don’t charge for customizing things on blogs etc. I just have the blog because I like it blogging and I love to help people, if they find something that they can apply well! and if not, maybe later write something that interests them. But today I have my job and I don’t expect to get rich with the blog (and working either).
Try to go from those who want to look for the economic side to your blog, it is your decision to monetize or not or do any kind of work on your blog.
Take the opportunity to promote other aspects that may benefit you or “make notices for navigators”, you never know who is reading you. Do not fall for the promises of easy monetization and euros fallen from the sky:

3 Not even the cat, cri-cri, cri-cri

When you start a blog, you think that everyone is interested in the same thing that you are not usually like that, you will see that especially at the beginning you do not get avalanches of readers, nor do they overwhelm you with comments. That’s good? Well, of course, it’s great, the beginning is a time that you should take advantage of because it gives you a margin of maneuver that once within the normal rhythm is difficult to break.
At that moment in which even the cat hardly reads you, you should take the opportunity to:

  • Ask for opinions on elements or factors that generate doubts.
  • Ask yourself if you are going to monetize and in what way.
  • Find your inner voice that Paula de la Demerara pilots a lot and can help you.
  • Improve the design, make it more understandable.

4 If your blog seeks to succeed, you have to find the way. Yoda teacher.

We all know the case of some cafeteria that wanted to offer only breakfasts and in the end it has ended up being a restaurant, or a pub, or a tapas bar… in short, I am going to do one thing, when you write a blog you know what you are going to write about, but possibly you have to focus on some parts of your topics because they are the ones that attract your audience. I’m not saying that if you have a fashion blog you end up talking about cooking, but it is likely that you can specialize in something very specific , such as party clothes or clothes for a certain style. If you know how to take advantage of it, it can be one of the best things that can happen to you, because you have heard about niche blogs and how difficult it is to find a niche readership for a blog, but if the niche chooses you, you have succeeded!

5 They ignore me; they pass by my blog

Sometimes you get jugs of cold water because maybe you see that your work doesn’t have enough reward, you’ll realize that they copy you and don’t mention you, don’t share… well, it’s normal and the worst thing is that you take it the wrong way, think that visibility is good but that quality readers and subscribers arrive little by little, there are blogs that have viral posts that simply reflect a point in their statistics for 2 days and then return to normal.
Be patient, the time for mentions and cool things like collaborations will come but don’t lose your temper, don’t get angry and try to get out of your anger with dignity.

6 Criticisms, complaints

This point is the one that everyone wears, especially me! haha, criticism, when you receive (constructive) criticism, the best thing is to thank them and take them seriously as much as you can, because there are things that, no matter how much we know they are not right, can be too complex to solve.
Try to assimilate the complaints and treat them as points that you can improve, it is not about pleasing everyone but you can try to cover a broader spectrum if you take into account some of them.

BloggingHit Staffhttps://blogginghit.com
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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