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Design errors that we take for good and confuse the reader

I can't help but notice how a blog is designed, not only in the aesthetic aspect but also in its usability and way of organizing information. Making...

What is a blog? What is a blog for?

If we say that it is a personal blog to share experiences, we fall very short, it is a crumblier question than we think,...

12 important points in content creation that every blogger should know

Content creation is the most important part of your blog. With these guidelines, you will surely reach your ideal audience. Creating quality content has become...

6 Reasons Why I Leave Comments on Blogs I Like

Commenting on other blogs is part of the synergy that must exist between bloggers, it is important to read a lot to assimilate the...

What to give someone who has a blog

You have had to give someone who among their hobbies writes, has or dreams of a blog and surely you want to look good,...

Do not be fooled with blogging, all that glitters is not gold

There is a mirage around blogging creating false expectations such as that you are going to become golden overnight, that you will be able...

Beware of mailchimp to comply with the AEPD

The Safe Harbor agreement that was in force until now has been invalidated, so many companies and individuals must check if we transfer data...

Plugins to embed YouTube videos in WordPress

If you have a YouTube channel and you want to connect it with your blog, this post will help you because apart from the...

Being a blogger does not mean that you say yes to everything, pretty

I'm sorry to start like this but I'm quite fed up that by having a blog you have to be exposed to a series...