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6 things that can demotivate you just starting with your blog

Well, if there are things that can demotivate, they are the ones we expect to happen when we write a blog or start something...

The 12 reasons why your blog is not successful

Who said that it is easy to write a blog? Success depends on many different factors and luckily many of them are in our...

10 SEO mistakes that we make without meaning to

Trying to position your blog can be easier if you know what are the 10 sea mistakes that we have without realizing it. Sometimes not...

5 SEO routines that will boost your blog to the top positions

SEO is routine, no matter how much you want to see it differently, they are a set of practices that you have to follow...

6 quick and easy ways to create a free blog for everyone

There are alternatives to Blog spot and WordPress to set up a blog, however the alternatives that exist are very good if what you...

5 annoying things for readers that make them run from a blog

A humorous key of the most annoying things that can jump out at me on a blog. There are things that annoy readers beyond design flaws...

10 Tips to Create a Reference Blog

Surely you aspire to have a cult blog, a place that serves as a guide and inspiration to your readers and create a good...

What are Google penalties and how to avoid them

When I read Google penalties I knew that it was fatal for SEO but the truth is that I spent a long time without...

Migrations from Blogger to WordPress false myths.

Around migrations from Blogger to WordPress.org there are many myths, many of them false and others dangerous for the future of our blogs. Migrations are...