Home Marketing


10 Ways to save time creating posts for your blog without lowering the quality of the content.

Writing a blog takes a lot of time and not just simply writing posts but taking care of everything that makes up an entry: images,...

Decisions I’ve made related to Facebook to promote

There are many things that when you set up your first blog, you keep thinking about Facebook and other social networks. I'm going to...

What is the Facebook ads pixel and how does it work

The Facebook Ads ad platform has developed the Facebook pixel to make it easier for us to optimize our advertising campaigns. Learning how to take...

Don’t forget to have an email marketing strategy

If there is something that we must take care of is the list of subscribers, for this reason you have to develop a good email...

With Mailrelay you can continue with your email marketing without problems

We are already in January, the last month that the AEPD gave for us to regularize the situation of our databases After the cancellation of the...

Myths and lies about the SEO Yoast plugin you need to know

There is no doubt that the SEO by Yoast plugin is the most popular SEO plugin, it works really well but they blame it for miraculous...

Choose the best platform to create your blog without going crazy

Creating a blog forces you to make a series of decisions that will determine the future and the permanence of the project. Since I've been...

Starting to write a blog in summer is cool

Summer is coming and it is the best time to start new hobbies, the days are longer, we relate more and we have more...

Guest posting what guest posts consist of in depth

Guest posting or guest blogging is establishing itself as a trend that is going strong, it is becoming more common to find a section...