What are landing pages and how to make an irresistible one

Landing pages are essential if your blog is focused on a service, product, courses or represents a business, in addition to helping you better sell, they fulfill the mission of helping you guide visitors through the sales funnel.

Before continuing you should know that they are very practical and although they are a complement to the blog you should not underestimate, having a good understanding of what they are for and how to use them will come in handy if you have to resort to paid advertising.

What is a landing page?

They are landing pages that we reach after a promo or advertisement, so they are the first contact they will have with your article.

The function is to inform about a product or service so that we can buy it when we arrive from outside our website or blog. Why are landing pages important?

When we see an ad and click the first thing we want is to find out about the product, know what it is, how it is, what it is for and the price apart, we like to solve doubts about the item or service and see some things that may be important to buy or no.

The landing are a bridge between the advertisement and the sale, they collect all the important information, separating the wheat from the chaff and invite us to act on what a blog article can be too descriptive, going to the store at once may be abrupt and If they don’t know about the article from before… they might get away.

Landing pages are very important because:

  • They inform without boring
  • They show the product or article in a simple way
  • Create expectations
  • Clear doubts and objections
  • They help to choose the best option of the article for each person
  • They call to action either by buying or by contacting
  • They prevent the visitor from going to other parts to know details

In them, let’s say that it is promoted and sold at the same time, depending on the complexity of the item or service there will be one objective or another: it may be the sale or perhaps it is enough that they fill out a form requesting information, so there is no magic formula for make landings that work.

When it is convenient to make a landing page

Sometimes we invest a lot in advertising or broadcasting to achieve a goal, be it money or time, so ensuring that this effort is not wasted is very important.

I recommend having a landing page especially when what you sell needs an introduction or explanations, if something is not impulse buying, a landing page helps the visitor buy better than the direct link to the product.

The landing are highly recommended in services, courses, innovative products or even for sessions or events.

If you have high expectations in an offer or launch, you should make a landing associated with the ads.

Elements that can be included in a landing page

There are so many things that we promote that landing pages are very different and are becoming more complete, so it is convenient to know some elements that you can place on them:


They are very important when the offer is for a limited time since the urgency sells a lot.


Many landing sites include them because their objective is a call, contact or a service, so having a form in the landing is very important.


Buttons that encourage buying and call to action are mandatory for visitors to buy, register or enroll in a course.


This is gold in any landing, think that many people enter thinking “I’m not going to bite” and they look for hits even under the stones so if you clear their objections in the frequently asked questions you will achieve that they have no problems when buying.


Real opinions matter a lot to us, think that on Amazon customer reviews weigh 20% in purchase decisions, in many cases empathy is very important when making decisions.


An image is worth a thousand words so on the landing page you must choose the best way to display the article, explain how it works or whatever else is a good sales pitch.


Original text and written for the purpose of convincing your audience that they need this article, it is convenient that you divide it into blocks so that it does not become heavy and the information is well structured.


A buy button is important because there are people who do not beat around the bush so you should not miss that occasion.


Not only do you have to give yourself self-promotion, it is important that you include images that help contextualize your product.


There are services that go in phases or that a benefit is obtained after certain steps, so sometimes it is convenient to relate them.


You can include the comments section so that people who have questions or those who have acquired it can ask and comment on it.

What a Landing Page is not

There are many confusions in this regard, sometimes by putting a counter on a page they already think it is a landing, but it is not, sometimes they are taken as a product page or a long post.

A Landing is not the home page, although there are many companies that use it for this approach, they are the pages that we could call promotions or sales.

They are not contact forms associated with an ad… which I see a lot…

Common mistakes on landing pages

  • Going over the amount of text, it is not a post and the shorter and more you synthesize your offer, the better it will be understood.
  • Linking to other pages, this sometimes happens because we link to other qualities or similar products that we have to offer within the landing and they cause focus to be lost.
  • Not making enough calls to action is a huge failure in landing that I never tire of seeing
  • 8 meters of landing page and the CTA down… this usually happens, we start to put things and in the end we reload, we must think about not spending too much and avoid getting bored, especially because they take longer to load.
  • Having advertising on the landing should be a direct red, but sometimes I see it out there and I don’t understand it.

How to make a landing page

I recommend that you first think about how you want to arrange the information, the best is from most important to least, and try to place several calls to action, or anchors to go to the form or purchase page.

Choose the images well and arrange the text thinking that everything is clear.

To make a landing page you can use some platforms and even do it within your blog if you have WordPress

The option to do it by hand will be better since many templates have a visual composer that lets you create a page to your liking.

WordPress plugings to make free landing pages:

  • Beaver Builder: is a free builder for wordpress
  • Elementor another page builder for WP that works very well and can give you a lot of play
  • Instapage is also a good plugin
  • WordPress Landing Pages is the best known and the one I recommend

Professional platforms for landings that offer you a 1-month demo:

  • Thrive is a platform that allows you to create landing pages for different purposes and gives you a very powerful analytical control, it is paid but if you work with it or need it to achieve clients.
  • Lead Pages is another platform to create paid landings
  • Lander, it is also paid is very good and it is quite intuitive.

I hope you are encouraged to have your landing page if you want to promote something, I would like to know your experience, if you normally like the ones you see or if you have done one for your blog

BloggingHit Staffhttps://blogginghit.com
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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