How to create the best post titles

Post titles represent one of the most important elements to get visits, followers and even conversions on our blog.

To create the best possible post titles, you only need one thing, creativity. How easy! TRUE? Well, no, it is not so easy to find creativity when it is most needed and sometimes it is not even as effective as we think.

How to create the best post titles

A good title in a post can boost your CTR and make your articles take advantage of the SERP’s. The good news is that the internet has already provided enough experience for many content creators to really know how to create the best post titles. In this article I share with you the tricks and tips that will help you the most in this goal.

Optimize the title for SEO

SEO positioning is always important to get visits. In fact, the best post titles are the ones that are most optimized. It is of little use to write an article of 3000 words or with the perfect extension if its header is not attractive enough.

Here are some SEO tips for the perfect title:

  • Put the keyword at the beginning of the sentence.
  • Create a short and catchy title, respecting the limitation of the search engine.
  • Combine the keyword with an imperative verb.
  • In case of doubt, always choose the keyword in the plural.

Call the interest of the user

Before creating post titles, put yourself in the role of the user. Do you think that the title you have created would seem interesting enough to click on it?

If you have the slightest doubt, surely other users have even more. Correct it and focus on a much more interesting formula. Look for the call to be eye-catching, viral or that it responds to their interests.

Solve frequently asked questions

Did you know that most users go to Google to solve their doubts about a specific topic? Did you know that many of these doubts are repeated among different users?

You can work your website as the best but if you do not answer the questions of your users, there is no answer to the search intent, your post will fall into the box of oblivion.

That is why you have to make your titles reveal that they will find what they are looking for, watch the titles and subtitles.

Knowing the frequently asked questions that users ask the most can help you create the best titles for your blog post. You just have to ask them directly in the title and, of course, write content that really solves the question.

Analyze your followers, their likes

If you want to create the best titles in a post, you have to thoroughly study your statistics system. One of the most appropriate resources is to study the keywords that users put in the web search engine.

If you lack the content they are looking for, you already know where to direct the titles and what to write about.

Likewise, it is important to know the tastes of the users. A study of the market at an online level will allow you to know the topics that are most interesting to them and that, of course, you should include in your titles.

If it is not enough for you to analyze what your top 40 are and see what patterns are repeated in them.

Create post titles with profitable formulas

Experience is a degree! Over time I have been able to verify the post title formulas that work the most.

There are countless of them, but I am going to compile some of the ones that will give you the best results:

  • This is how “keyword”
  • How to do “keyword”
  • Tips for “keyword”
  • The definitive / The best «keyword»
  • The best keywords
  • “Keyword”: Everything you need to know
  • What is / What does “keyword” mean
  • Types of “keywords”
  • What you need to know about “keyword”
  • You will not be able to live without «keyword»
  • What I have learned from “keyword”
  • “keyword” that saved my “life, business, job, family”

Create numbers and lists

Another of the most effective tricks to create post titles is to include numbering. Users thus recognize the limitation of the content and are more encouraged to visit it, because they know that it is not something endless or difficult to read.

Keep in mind that in most cases with these titles, they will only read the numberings first, so each of them must also be attractive.

There are many formulas that serve in this strategy. As a general rule, number 5 and number 10 are the most recommended. For example:

  • The 10 definitive diets to lose weight.
  • The 5 most important moments in your life.

Tools, guides and applications in post titles

Over the years, technology has led to changes in user searches. The applications, explanations about tools and guides in general, are usually the contents that can offer the greatest profitability in a blog or a specialized website.

Use these keywords together with previous strategies and you will get the best post titles:

  • The 10 best tools for
  • Complete guide to take advantage of your
  • Apps for “keyword”: The best on the market

Tools to create titles and headings

There are title generators that can help you, I’ll give you some names to look at because they save a lot of time.


It is my favorite, because it is very useful to see what your audience is wondering, it is also visually tremendous and helps you get good ideas and capture trends.


Being from HubSpot it can’t be bad, it allows you to add 3 terms and generates interesting titles, it’s very comfortable and easy to use, it’s in English but it gives good support.

General tips

Any of the above strategies will help you create attractive post titles. Here are some general tips, which can help you further motivate your creativity:

  • Appeal to the reader to further motivate their interest.
  • Take advantage of humor to make it more interesting.
  • Create expectation, do not reveal everything in a single title.
  • Do not be repetitive, change the formula every time.
  • Think about how the title looks when you share it on social networks.
  • If you can include the year, it is used a lot in searches.
  • Create a sense of urgency, if they don’t read it, they will already be out of date, or it is urgent.
BloggingHit Staff
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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