We are going to improve the quality of your posts so that your readers stay glued to your blog.
For this we are going to work on different points that should be improved and if we review them, we will achieve important things such as:
- Increase traffic.
- Improve engagement
- Attract links to our posts (link baiting)
- Increase the time on page that our readers spend.
- Lower the bounce rate.
- gain domain authority
One sign that a blog has weak posts is bounce rate and time on page.
Some time ago the duration of the visits did not matter, but currently Google takes into account the bounce rate of blogs (it is the number of pages of the blog that a user visits before leaving) it is usually very high in blogs and unfortunately almost inevitable.
The consequences of the bounce rate are quite serious and damage our blogs in a notable way: They harm web positioning since the content has not seemed to be attractive enough for the visitor.
It may be a sign that we have more problems such as loading speed or it may be a symptom that something is wrong with the security of our blog. This factor has become one of the most observed by sponsors and advertisers, so a blog with a high bounce rate does not have a great chance of being
Increasing content quality is the best SEO you can do
If search engines love something, it is quality, relevant and exhaustive content. If they come to your blog and find the solution, your blog will be called a good authority, this is important for positioning.
You can work the content very effectively, but always think about who is reading it, your goal should be to engage the reader so that they finish the entire post, if not, you are missing something!
Enhance your posts with well-structured content:
Underline, use bold, colors add some joy to your content to attract the reader and not get bored. Trying to include an average of 3 images in each post can improve the time on the page of your visits.
Video can work miracles to attract visitors to your posts:
A video is easier to see than a post, besides they last longer and are ideal for users to spend time on the page without realizing it Infographics although not everyone has content that fits them, if you handle data or information didactics are the best allies.
Draw pictures, place pictures…
One of the most common ways to enhance a blog post is to add quality images appropriately. It sounds silly but illustrations and drawings are becoming more and more popular on blogs and they add a lot of personality.
Put quotes, phrases and if they are in a better image!
Sometimes we must create extra content that is easy to share in other contexts like Pinterest or Instagram, and quotes are a way to make your content more attractive.
Cite and link similar posts:
Apart from visually reinforcing, they can reduce the bounce rate quite a bit if you do it with those of your own blog, even link to an image of the post or do it expressly for the entry you want to improve.
Retouch your old posts to bring them back to life
The post expires and that is why you have to review those that stop receiving visits.
If you renew enough content, you can revive them by changing the date. Do not abuse this trick either, they are not yogurts! XD
Invite people to write on your blog:
Practice guest posting to attract other types of followers and offer varied content.
Eye! on a similar theme, try to propose an exchange to do the same. Guest posts are the best to refresh your blog. Create freebies and your entries will have added value: People like free things a lot; if you have the opportunity to write something to give away in PDF, some downloadable, printable, cards. For example, I make few freebies but the ones I do give me very good results, as is the case with the printable calendar.
Sort the data:
Create lists, tables… make the data more visual in your posts, they will be better understood and you will gain more visitors. We all like to understand what we read! not?
What you should avoid to achieve irresistible posts.
Ugly or pixelated images:
Images are very important, they say a lot about your blogs, so try to find original images that help you convey what you want to say in the post.
Copied texts:
in addition to being a penalized practice, it can be a source of conflict with other bloggers. «Cutting and copying is going to end»
Very burnt content:
If something is too hackneyed it is not good for your blog, I give the example of the «Da Vinci Code» about which more than 900 literature blogs in Spanish wrote! Imagine readers that month: bored? not the following!
Repetitions and rehashes:
It is preferable to change the date to an old post and the photos than to write two more or less the same. It is more interesting to improve an entry or expand it to write a repetition.
Design. Small print, overlapping images making it difficult to read an entry, too much advertising these are design flaws that you should try to correct. Think about your readers and look for nice designs that help them focus.
Testing ways to improve inputs
Ask other bloggers for their advice, so they can advise you if they miss something in your blog, normally we have better criteria when it comes to judging things in any type of blog because we read many. Observe how other blogs distribute information and the type of post they make.
Make two very similar entries with different elements and ask several people which one they like better. An A/B test of a lifetime can help you make small decisions. Add new elements such as dividers, images, testimonials so that the posts look richer, without saturating. Remove straw from the blog by removing thick or old-fashioned content, there are times when we drag many posts that can exhaust us.
Improve your content and make your blog more attractive
This work takes a long time, improving the entries is something that unfortunately is manual and you should think that it is something you have to do as a routine, it is useless to invest in the best design in the world if you do not invest in your content.