What is the media kit and how to make one for your blog

The Media kit is a report about your blog for sponsors, it is the first contact they have with you, it is the business card of your blog and the door to collaborations.

A long time ago I wanted to talk about the media kit, a few years ago it was something that only advertising and media agencies knew, now any company asks you: do you have a Media Kit? Can you give me a report on your blog?… and more you worth having it! Because as they see you a little out of the game they will look for data on their own and they will pass from your blog or they will come to you with an outdated offer.

 What is a media kit?

It is the cover letter of your blog and recommendation if you hurry me, in your Medai Kit you should make a good summary of reasons to convince the companies that visit you that your blog is the best option.

Normally in the Media kit it is used to get chest of achievements, collaborations, metrics and community generated around the blog, in your hand it is to make it more technical or more emotional.

Actually it serves to offer a summary report with data of interest for which it is worth advertising on your blog, in it you can take advantage of it to do a bit of campaigning for your blog and your work.

What is a Mediakit for?

  • To report the positioning of your blog
  • To position your blog against the competition
  • To highlight useful information about your blog
  • Report the type of collaborations you make
  • Make it clear what prices you charge and why
  • To avoid false expectations
  • Promote your work

The Press kit also serves to position yourself in a sector, imagine that you have a decoration blog and you want notoriety, we already know which most famous song is most loved and it may benefit you.

What is a Mediakit useless for?

  • A Mediakit is not a contract
  • It is not used to audit data
  • To advertise or self-promote
  • It’s not about me
  • It is not a biography, curriculum…

All blogs must have a media kit?

No, it is not normal for all blogs to have it because it is something typical of blogs that are going to be monetized and they need to show their results to agencies and individuals who are going to request their services.

It is something that if you are not going to take advantage of it, it is difficult to do it, unless you want to inform your readers more about your achievements.

What do you need before putting a mediakit on your blog?

More necessary than having a mediakit or a report on your blog is to have a contact page in which you specify your willingness to collaborate with companies, on what terms and in what way, this should be done as soon as possible.

It is also important that you study what other similar blogs charge so as not to accept low offers, having a service fee is very necessary, do a little market study so as not to be wrong.

Contracts or collaboration agreements, this sounds bad to us but it is a good thing because it protects us regarding the payment and the conditions and guarantees the sponsor that he will receive what has been agreed in a timely manner.

In an ideal world, sponsors should have contracts, but if you can write one it might be great to protect you from future misunderstandings and to work reliably.

How is a Media kit

Perhaps you have seen some by way of infographics, similar to a curriculum, others as presentations, posts that are made monthly detailing the visits and progress… there are many ways to do it.

I recommend that you do it in a way that it can be printed or downloaded, if you do it on the web add a download button so that they can save it, if you have the press kit in great PDF because that way those interested can handle it better.

Collect important data for your media kit

You must know what information is available to show, search objective sources, you need to have truthful data about what you are going to teach, it is very sure that they will ask you for something that proves it if the negotiation goes ahead, so I recommend extracting data from Search Console and Google analytics

You can also add other features relevant to someone in your industry to the media kit.

  • Collect data from social media
  • Media that have mentioned you or in which you have appeared
  • Events that you have carried out or have attended
  • Visits, unique visitors
  • Bounce rate and time on page
  • Ads CTR
  • Position in keywords of
  • Origin of visitors and segmentation by sex, age, city, country…
  • Therefore, you must make the data legible, easy to understand and verifiable.
  • Followers in networks
  • Interaction in social networks
  • Readers’ testimonials

You must emphasize the strengths of your blog and add data that is vital for decision-making for companies looking for bloggers on your topic.

How should I make a media kit?

This document is a way of communicating with companies that are interested in advertising on your blog, so the media kit must make clear the objective and position of your blog quickly and accurately, think that the person who is looking for a blogger is going To look at many blogs and many media kits, be brief.

1 Write a few lines about your project and about yourself

Present your project in a professional way, talk about who you are, explain the motivation that leads you to have a blog.

  • Objectives: it is important that you talk about motivation and objectives that lead you to have the blog, it is important because depending on how solid they are, so your blog will give a greater image of professionalism and continuity, nobody likes to sponsor something that can disappear overnight. morning.
  • Achievements: it is important that you talk about awards or milestones in your blog, such as getting x visits in a post
  • Values ​​and principles: this can make you empathize with causes and brands, also make your position clear in the face of unwanted collaborations, imagine that you defend the environment, you are cruelty free and they offer you a post about hunting the wolf…
  • UV (Unique Value Proposition)this is very important, it explains why your blog is the best in the world, what makes you different and what you are going to contribute to your advertisers
  • Awards and important mentions: take advantage of the awards you get on your blog

2 Present your audience in the press kit

It is very important for agencies and companies the public that visits you, if you can make a brief description of the visitors that includes data such as:

Age, sex, city, country, interests, economic level, cultural level, what interests them most about your blog, what products or services may interest them…

3 Add valuable data about your blog to the media Kit

One of the advantages of the press kit is that by having it done, the interested parties usually settle for the data you offer, so you can choose the ones that favor you the most and even add some important indications on your subject.

Apart from the analytical data among which you must put:

  • Visits (month)
  • Time on page
  • The only users
  • Segmentation sex, ages, country…
  • Organic or RRSS

Then you can add others that are good for you, for example if you have a low bounce rate, if the CTR of ads is high and typical of your blog.

  • Publication frequency
  • Special sections of interest to advertisers: reviews, tutorials, courses, finished products, wishlists…

4 Numbers about your social networks

There are many agencies that contact you only through social networks and the community that you have in them, so you must include the social networks that you have active in the media kit:

  • Social media profiles
  • Followers
  • Monthly interaction
  • Publication frequency
  • Followers report

5 ways to work with you

This is the most important part of the media kit, establishing what kind of collaborations and how to carry them out is a world, but the most basic thing you need to keep in mind is:


  • If the posts are going to be written by third parties or by you
  • Type of post, tutorial, review, course, video…
  • Include links and if they are follow or not follow
  • Post size, images, things you need to include to be accepted
  • Time that must remain on the front page
  • Time to be on the blog
  • Publication date
  • Responsibility when replying to comments
  • If it is going to be broadcast on social networks


  • Available sizes
  • Blog locations


This depends a lot on what type of mention it is and how it is done, for example on YouTube or Twitter, it is very subjective and depends a lot on traffic.

For this issue of collaborations I advise you to close contracts or at least if you can work with a platform that acts as an intermediary between the two, that would be fine.

The media kit can also open the door to interesting collaborations, because let’s not fool ourselves, no one likes to collaborate blindly and is a good attraction for guest post

6 Rates and conditions

Ideally, you should have a rate, so you will avoid offers that insult your intelligence, the rate is something very subjective, so depending on the theme and your community, they will offer you more or less profitable collaborations.

If your media kit is well worked and of course is consistent with the blog, it will help a lot to respect the rate whenever you are in price, you have to be realistic and feel what other people charge.

It is important that you drop rates when you want to charge, for example if you take a signal or only accept paypal, if you charge after 30 days…

Where to put the Media kit on a blog

This depends a bit on your way of approaching your blog because perhaps it is not the best idea in the world to post it on the blog so that anyone can see it, perhaps it is a document that you should send to the people who contact you the first time so that they can see the size of your enterprise, the community and have an accurate vision of your audience.

The solution may be to attach it by email to people who request information for collaborations such as jobs, so you avoid curious glances but also some interested parties who may not want to write directly without knowing if it is feasible to collaborate.

In case you want to show it there is no problem, almost everyone shows it open so that they can visit it, even as I said before there are people who write

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