Do not be fooled with blogging, all that glitters is not gold

There is a mirage around blogging creating false expectations such as that you are going to become golden overnight, that you will be able to work from the beach for only 2 or 4 hours a day when reality is different.

TheseĀ topics around bloggingĀ are crushing us because they end up frustrating and causing moreĀ bloggers to abandonĀ and stop doing what they like by followingĀ unrealistic and unsustainable methods.

This post is not demoralizing, it is an invitation toĀ achieve what you propose in a sustainable and stable way, a dose of reality that can help you have aĀ more focused perspectiveĀ on what you are looking for your blog.

In this article you can see a reflection of whatĀ surrounds the blogging worldĀ in which it is easy to create false expectations and be deceived in search of success.

Can you live off a blog?

You can live from a blog, of course and from a ball look at Cristiano Ronaldo, now seriously, there are people whoĀ live from their blog or rather from several blogsĀ or from a business that the blog feeds with leads.

Then there are the people who seem to benefit from their blog and it is not, and of course there are people who have a blog for fun and do not want more.

Living from a blog exclusively is not impossible, but it is complicated.

Not everyone lives with the same money, there are people who need to earn at least 1800 euros to live and others with 700 live… so living with x is subjective.

It may discourage you a bit but if you have read this blog in which I recommend that you write about what you love, it is simple you may not be able to live fully of it but if you get an extra for projects and things you need, take it as a hobby to dedicate weather.

I would be lying if I told you that it is easy and overnight you will have a successful blog,Ā the stereotype of blogger = vagueĀ that is being generatedĀ bothers me.

Mirages in the blogger world

They may haveĀ brought you to bloggingĀ siren songs that offer easy money, and success stories, many times they simply seek to sell a method that perhaps with an idea within an influencer profile will succeed, but mortals who venture to Undertaking with your latest sale in your pocket and settingĀ expectations on bloggingĀ is better to give them a dose of realism.

It’s easy to be fooled as a blogger with promises and success stories

Yes, I alsoĀ read cases of people who throw the blanket over their headsĀ and start to undertake out of nowhere, and they make me very envious, I wish I could say at work “see you later Maricarmen”, but I’m afraid unless that we are very lucky… there are no miracles.

I also read and see cases ofĀ people who have to leave because they cannot reach theĀ essentialĀ objectivesĀ of earning the minimum and paying taxes.

In addition, we noĀ longer enjoy the opportunity costĀ that there was 10 years ago in which any blog could rise like foam, now there is a lot of competition, and although it has diversified enough, the way to monetize is complicated.

It is not strange to find cases of people whoĀ start with a good financial or family support,Ā part of the success of your project is defined by the bulk of expenses you have and the money you need to work and live, there are people with very interesting projects that They have parked due to lack of liquidity.

Sometimes we exaggerate a bit

Days ago, I was talking to a friend who admits that he can’t afford to live anywhere and that there are months that his income is little or nil and I thought he lived on courses and sponsorships from the blog… that was my impression, but it does not cover expenses.

For example, in my case, there are people who think that I make aĀ living from blogging, well no, I blog gives me money every month more and more, but not enough to make a living from it, for that I need 3 blogs that work like this, I also work for several companies and I offer services from my website Carmen Ferreira I work about 14 hours a day, I get up at 5 in the morning and it is rare that I go to bed before 00:30ā€¦ come on,Ā I will not be the one to sell you the miracle method.

If it is true that I want to do some courses on blogging with a good roadmap that can save you the part that has cost me the most, the errors, but it is by working and creating a good strategy as if you were a company.Ā I’m still maturing it; I’m looking for collaborators and I want some feedback.

In the face of exaggeration, be realistic and pay attention to your blog, your project and what you can do and above all study your market niche to see if it is feasible.

Don’t buy anyone’s magic formula

In times of crisis, when we start something, we must recognize that we are very soft, especially when you need something to work and, in the beginning, we still do not control everything much and we are more receptive to advice of all kinds, we devour everything they put us for ahead and the worst thing is that sometimes we put it into practice.

Be carefulĀ not to say that noĀ method to succeed in blogging does not work, there is, but it is neither easy nor instantaneous.

You must have a cool head andĀ evaluate any shortcut that they offer you, it is the ideal time for them to offer you strategies that in the long run can compromise you.

IfĀ you do notĀ know something, find out,Ā do not believe that there are magic formulas to sell or position,Ā there are techniques that can help you a lot, but they are not a plugin that does it only overnight.

Ask when they offer you a method, course or other tool to people who are using it, do not trust 100% of the reviews because they can be paid and try to get a personal opinion.

Not everyone is Paula EchevarrĆ­a

Systems based on someone’s popularity are not easily extrapolated, as are some strategies that involve expensive factors such as promotion and maintenance…

Think that sometimes there are formulas and ways of working that work for certain people, no matter how objective we want to be, there is a lucky factor for entrepreneurship that cannot be bought or measured, there are techniques that help such as mentoring, but it is complicated and you have to invest a lot of money.

We are all Hacienda

Sometimes they tiptoe from the tax and accounting issue and it is an issue that has too much weight in the economy of your blog, think about the investment no matter how small.

In Spain the laws are tightening and theĀ companies that support affiliate programs begin to request requirements such as invoicing, CIF, some may even ask you to be a business or an active freelancer.

You must think that if your blog works you must count on paying taxes

Competition and the blogging ecosystem

Another thing that from the outside may seem wonderful is how well everyone gets along… well, it’s not so bad, there is competition, envy, we copy ourselves… well, it’s not cuquilandia.

One of the things that I haveĀ liked the most about bloggingĀ is that I have met amazing people and I can say that I have great friends thanks to the blog.

I hope you are not fooled into thinking that the blogging world is a quick and easy job, whether you decide to take a step beyond writing for pleasure, as well as if you start your blog from scratch.

BloggingHit Staff
BloggingHit is a blog for dissemination and training in Web Technologies & Blogging Tools. This is a blog about everything that has to do with WordPress, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization from tutorials.

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