5 reasons to use WordPress.

That will help you better choose the platform on which to stabilize your blog. It is not necessary to introduce the most famous content editor, apart...


The 10 capital failures of a blog when starting

At the beginning many mistakes are made when launching a blog that can delay the success of your project In this post we are going...

Image formats for blogs

The formats of the images and the size of the photos are very important because factors such as the good image of the blog, the...

Migrations from Blogger to WordPress false myths.

Around migrations from Blogger to WordPress.org there are many myths, many of them false and others dangerous for the future of our blogs. Migrations are...

How to

How to put a blogger popup to get subscribers

I have seen that those of you who have bloggers want to install a gadget to get subscriptions or want...

What is the media kit and how to make one for your blog

The Media kit is a report about your blog for sponsors, it is the first contact they have with you,...

How to put a chat on your blog for free and in a simple way

There is something that is rising like foam in this year chats on any website, putting a chat has become...


With Mailrelay you can continue with your email marketing without problems

We are already in January, the last month that the AEPD gave for us to regularize the situation of our databases After the cancellation of the...

Decisions I’ve made related to Facebook to promote

There are many things that when you set up your first blog, you keep thinking about Facebook and other social networks. I'm going to...

How to get the best guest author for a guest post

The secret of guest blogging is to find an ideal guest author who can bring something new to your blog, let's see what is...

Don’t forget to have an email marketing strategy

If there is something that we must take care of is the list of subscribers, for this reason you have to develop a good email...

Tips & Tricks

Why you need to learn WordPress right now

WordPress is increasingly popular, it is estimated that 27% of the web pages on the planet are made with this...

5 SEO routines that will boost your blog to the top positions

SEO is routine, no matter how much you want to see it differently, they are a set of practices that...

Beware of mailchimp to comply with the AEPD

The Safe Harbor agreement that was in force until now has been invalidated, so many companies and individuals must check...


What is a blog? What is a blog for?

If we say that it is a personal blog to share experiences, we fall very short, it is a crumblier question than we think,...

12 important points in content creation that every blogger should know

Content creation is the most important part of your blog. With these guidelines, you will surely reach your ideal audience. Creating quality content has become...

6 Reasons Why I Leave Comments on Blogs I Like

Commenting on other blogs is part of the synergy that must exist between bloggers, it is important to read a lot to assimilate the...

Schedule content for your blog for a full year

Today I will show you how to plan current and interesting content for your readers so that you can have a long-term schedule that...

What to give someone who has a blog

You have had to give someone who among their hobbies writes, has or dreams of a blog and surely you want to look good,...

How to know your reader and capture their attention

Knowing your reader will help you improve your blog and create more appreciated content, if for example you write for a specific audience you should...

What is the media kit and how to make one for your blog

The Media kit is a report about your blog for sponsors, it is the first contact they have with you, it is the business...

Before having a blog, you should think about

If you are thinking about starting A blog, you are sure to have many doubts, it is normal, perhaps you do not know where to...

Benefits of using videos on your blog that will make you stand out

Among Marketing strategies, video is strong and has managed to earn a very important place in content marketing. There is increasing rivalry between blogs, so...

Plugins to embed YouTube videos in WordPress

If you have a YouTube channel and you want to connect it with your blog, this post will help you because apart from the...